Make Your House Move Stress Free

The last time we moved house I was very pregnant and also had a toddler in tow and so it was imperative that our house move was as stress free as possible. And while it took a fair bit of planning and organisation, I do have to admit it wasn't half as stressful as I'd expected it to be, all thanks to the helpful tips and suggestions, from family, friends and internet articles, that I picked up along the way in the weeks before the move. Here are some of my favourites... 

Accept offers of help 
You'll probably have a few people offer to lend a hand either on the day or in the days prior to, or following the move. Why not take them up on the idea? You could make it into a social occasion, everyone helps to pack one box in exchange for a cuppa and a slice of cake! If anyone is willing to offer free childcare for an hour this can be a godsend. My toddler loved nothing more than unpacking all the items we had packed! 

Choose coloured stickers (or in our case, animal stickers)  to pop onto boxes in order to distinguish between boxes for specific rooms. This was a great way of getting our toddler involved as it was a really fun activity for him. Toddlers love stickers! 

Pack a little starter kit 
Pack a bag containing a few essential items you will need on that first day but quite possibly won't be able to find! This could include; toothbrushes, a couple of mugs, teabags (trust me you'll be grateful you packed these as an essential!), hand soap, toilet roll, etc. Keep this in your car so it doesn't end up getting lost among the sea of boxes.

Hire a van and a man 
This will save so much hassle. Hire a van and a man online and they will take care of moving your home contents to your new home. They will pack up the van and unpack the boxes at the other end saving you a considerable amount of hard work. Visit The Van Man - London for more information about this service.

Make up your beds 
When you arrive at the new house, make up the beds ready to crash into when you're ready to call it a night! The last thing you will want to do at 11pm at night is struggle with duvet covers and bed sheets. 

So there you have it, a few little tips for making your house move smooth sailing. Have you recently moved or do you have a move on the cards? I'd love to hear more! 

*Collaborative post