10 Tips For A Happy House Move

Moving house can be one of the most stressful activities! There are rooms to declutter, boxes to fill, contracts to sign and furniture to move, to name just a few things! But with a little bit of prior organisation, you can minimise the stress. When we moved house in 2015, I was heavily pregnant and also had a toddler to look after too so we tried to be as organised with everything as we could be. Here are my ten tips for a smooth- sailing, stress free house move! 

Accept help
If people offer and are willing to lend a hand, then that help will be worth it's weight in gold. Make it into a social occasion by offering a cup of tea and free cake in exchange for packing a box. You'll soon have the boxes filled.

Pack a starter kit 
The last thing you will want to do when you arrive at the new house, is have to rummage through boxes to find some essentials. Pack a starter kit containing some useful must-haves in advance and keep it to hand. Items can include toilet rolls, hand soap, tea bags and snacks, for example. 

Pack in advance 
This sounds like a no-brainer but you'll be surprised by just how quickly time flies as you approach the moving date. Start early and try to do a little bit each night until the only things left to pack are the things you are currently using. 

A house move is a great way to have a good clear out. Out with the old and in with the new! Keep a few boxes to one side; one for the charity shop, one for throwing out and even one with items to sell at a later date. When you get to the new house you will only be taking the things you actually want and need. It'll feel great to have the extra space. 

Colour code the boxes 
For each room, decide upon a different coloured or themed sticker and make sure they are placed on the relevant boxes. It will save a lot of time the other end! This is a great activity for little ones to get involved with. My toddler had animal stickers and he loved to stick them to the boxes.

Hire a Mover
One of the best things we did was to hire a removal company. They took the stress out of moving the boxes and larger items out of our house and into the new one. Removal Companies load, transport and unload your belongings and can also assist in the packing and unpacking process. 

Make up your beds
The absolute last thing you will want to be doing after a hard day is to have to put bed sheets and duvet covers on. When you arrive, make this one of the first things you do, then, when you're ready to call it a night you will have beds ready to climb into. 

Prepare an overnight bag
This can contain pyjamas, clean clothes, toothbrushes and toothpaste for example. It will mean you don't need to have to locate it in the many boxes when you arrive. 

Prepare a goody bag
It can be a long, overwhelming and tiring day for little ones. Pack them a mini goody bag with items such as crayons, sticker books, colouring books, a magazine and a notepad to keep them occupied. It doesn't need to be expensive if you buy from pound shops. 

You don't have to unpack everything all at once. That's the beauty of the days and weeks to come: you can take time to get to know your new home, arranging it in a way that suits you and your family. These things don't need to be rushed. 

If you enjoyed this post, why not check out my fellow blogging friend's page over at Captain Bobcat. You'll love it :)

*Post written in collaboration