I'm Sorry, Little One

To my littlest boy, 

You know Mummy always feels guilty about everything, right? Well, this one keeps me awake sometimes. I want to explain something to you. When your big brother was born, Mummy and Daddy’s focus shifted. He became the centre of our entire world. Everything in the world revolved around him. This tiny precious, scrawny, beautiful little thing was suddenly the brightest, loudest, most glorious soul in the world. My days were spent properly indulging in him. I watched his every movement, I knew him inside out. I could distinguish between a bored cry, a hungry cry, a pained cry. I got to know all the little things about him like the glint he got (and still gets) in his eye when he was up to no good, the cute little squeaks he made when he was concentrating and the exact position he had to be held in to be rocked to sleep. When you arrived my sweet, he was still in the centre of my world but now so were you. And he was, at this point, a busy three year-old boy who wanted me to look after him and entertain him. He didn’t get knocked from this prime position, nor did he suddenly take second place; you both had to share it. So I hope you’ll forgive me but I never got to indulge in you in quite the same way. When pregnant with you, I wasn’t able to lie on the sofa for hours, watching TV, feeling every wiggle and kick. Nor when you arrived could I spend ages staring at you, trying to make you smile. It’s true, you’ve had to share the limelight but I want you to know that you shine just as brightly as your brother. It may have taken me longer to get to know you, I may still be learning, but I promise you, you’ll always be and always have been just as glorious as your brother.

Mummy x 

3 Little Buttons
Hot Pink Wellingtons


  1. Beautiful post! It is the plight of younger siblings to never have the spotlight to themselves, but there's more than enough mummy love to go around. Your baby will know <3

  2. I think this sums up every mothers thoughts on second children, certainly it does mine. #HoneybeeLinky

  3. Ahh, this is so beautiful. I feel the same with my baby, George. He is the youngest at 6 months and Teddy is his older brother at 2.5yrs. It is so hard to share myself between them and am always worried about it. But then I remember that the very point is I care enough about each of them to worry about it so that's got to mean something.lol! Thanks for linking up with the #HoneybeeLinky, I hope you can join in again next week :) xxx

  4. I've felt this same thing. As they grow though, they are so lucky to have each other... even through the bickering and sibling rivalry. You did a good thing for them. #DreamTeam

  5. Having a child second time around is very different. But it is also really special, as I was a different mum, a more confident mum and I think my youngest got the best of me. And now with my eldest at school its our time to have fun just the 2 of us and she is at such a fun age to do this. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  6. Oh gosh, this couldn't be more spot on for me right now. My second little boy is nearly 4 months and it's just whizzing by. I realised the other day I've not written in his baby book since the first month, whereas I was religious about his brother's. I have two days when it's just the two of us, when his brother is at preschool, and I relish those, but I feel guilty that he doesn't get more of that time. But on the other hand, he gets to experience a more laid back mum, and have the love of a big brother, so hopefully it all balances out! THanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  7. This post speaks a truth that sits with most mums. You've put it so well. If it helps your guilt at all, my daughter - the second child - is getting the limelight now as her older brother has moved to London and she is just round the corner. We have our girly evenings together regularly and we both cherish them. x #SharingtheBlogLove

  8. I think I'm constantly plate spinning with my girls and the attention yoyo's constantly. #SharingtheBlogLove

  9. What a beautiful post, I only have one child and can not imagine having to share the love. However, it is my biggest regret only having one, as he would be such a great big brother :) xx

  10. Aww I’ve only got the one so hadn’t even considered the differences of having a second one. Xx #ItsOk

  11. What a lovely post. It is hard sometimes to share the attention, even though each of my boys is so well loved. #ItsOK

  12. What a beautiful post. It is difficult with younger siblings to never have the spotlight to themselves. You are doing a fantastic job and you little one knows he is loved. Hugs xx #ItsOk

  13. Oh goodness, that is gorgeous <3 I have three children and totally understand those feelings you've expressed. We are so hard on ourselves, we need to give ourselves a huge pat on the back from one mummy to another x #Itsok

  14. This is so true! We tried really hard to keep things the same for my son when his sister was born, but I miss him being a mummy's boy, he's firmly shifted to daddy now #itsok

  15. lovely post! I have three and I sometimes feel I need to reassure each of them that they are just as important as their siblings xx #itsok

  16. carla@ouramanahsourfuturesApril 4, 2018 at 8:17 AM

    Awwww with my 2nd I am learning all this aswell. Its hard to spread our love equally but its love in different ways. I hope I'm managing to do that.��

  17. my step daughter was 12 when we had my daughter, and I think that this affected her more than any of us thought that it would. It can be a tricky balance to find #itsok

  18. I often feel like this about my second, it's really hard not to feel guilty. But they I remember they are even luckier as they have always had an extra person, a big brother, in the house to love them too.


  19. Such a sweet post! It's something I'm sure many of us with more than one feel. Thanks for sharing. #ItsOK
