Garden Rooms: The Ultimate Garden Accessory!

We've all been spending more time than ever in our homes and gardens over the last twelve months because of the lockdown restrictions in place. And so it perhaps has never seemed quite so imperative to make the most of the space that we have available to us. I always like to think that a garden or outdoor space can be considered as an extension to your home, a whole extra room if you will! When used effectively, it can serve as a relaxation, dining or recreation area, to name just a few examples. Recently, I have been looking into the possibility of purchasing a garden room. My husband has been working from home throughout the pandemic and without a separate room in our home for him to use as an office, it has certainly presented as a challenge, particularly during the weeks our boys were being homeschooled. I currently do my work in a corner of the dining room and that in itself is not without it's difficulties at times. The idea of using a garden room as an office really appeals to us both, meaning that when we have work to do, this can be done separately from the hustle and bustle of the household. 

garden room

Other than a home office, there are also a few other ways that garden rooms could be used.

A home gym
I really like the idea of using a garden room as a yoga studio. I love yoga but during the homeschooling months, I simply did not have an area to practice which was very frustrating. Even when the boys are playing in their rooms, our home is always noisy and that means a relaxing and peaceful yoga session is out of the question. With a garden room, this space would be perfect for achieving that golden silence!


A relaxation area
After the last 12 months, we are all in need of some TLC. I love the idea of making a garden room into a little sanctuary with fairy lights, bean bags, books and snuggly blankets. It could be an area that each of us could retreat to when we were in need of a bit of time out. 

A music room
My husband and I both love to play guitar and I also sing and write songs. Since having the boys, we don't have much opportunity to play or the space and quiet to focus. A garden room could be the idea place to listen to, compose and and play music. 

An area to entertain
When a bit more normality returns to us, my husband and I are both looking forward to each inviting our friends round. For him this would involve chilling with his friends playing computer games and for me, a gin night, chatter and nibbles would be perfection. A garden room would be the idea place to host. Usually if I have a friend or two round, the boys don't go to sleep easily because they think they are missing out on the fun. A garden room would be an ideal area to relax with friends on an evening without disturbing the children. 


Garden rooms can be fully customised and built entirely to suit your requirements. What a great way to enhance your living space!

*Written in collaboration.