Lunch Time Annabell- A Review and Giveaway!

Is there anything more adorable than seeing your little ones pretending to be Mummy or Daddy? We were recently sent a Lunch Time Annabell doll to review and my boys have really enjoyed exploring the different features that the doll has to offer. The doll can can eat, drink, gurgle, cry and even use the potty!

The doll is soft and cuddly. It is a lifelike in size and has a slight weight to it, just like a newborn. It comes with a cute little outfit which includes trousers, a top, a bib and a hat. 

Baby Annabell

The doll can be fed by feeding her the food chips off the spoon. There are a variety of different food chips; my four year old especially liked discussing the different food options he could feed her. The doll accepts the food by opening her mouth and making eating noises and closes her mouth once she has had enough. The food chips are collected in a handy storage drawer in her back so that they can all be used again. It's worth noting that the food chips are quite small so you would need to be mindful of the potential choking risk for younger children.

Baby Annabell

The doll also accepts a bottle and makes cute little sucking noises! 

Baby Annabell

One of the boys' favourite things about the doll is the fact you can pop her on the potty and she will do a poo (what child wouldn't love this!?)
To make the doll poo, you firstly need to place some of the chips with poo stickers on into a compartment in her back. When she is on the potty, you press her tummy and out come the poo chips (along with some funny straining sounds)! This feature certainly amused the boys!  

Baby Annabell potty

My boys enjoyed playing with Baby Annabell and said they were practicing for when they have to feed their new baby brother! The doll is fun to play with and the interactive features are easy to navigate. It's a thumbs up from us! 

Baby Annabell

To WIN a Baby Annabell Lunch Time doll of your own just enter the competition below! Good luck!

For more information about Baby Annabell just click here!

*We were kindly gifted this product in exchange for an honest review.


  1. My Granddaughter would love this

  2. My daughter loved Baby Annabell when she was little and now my grandchild does as well. I'd love to win this for her.

  3. Lovely review and giveaway thank you x

  4. how cute, id love to win for my cousin!

  5. A lovely doll suitable for both boys and girls to enjoy realistic play.

  6. This will make a great Christmas present

  7. Great prize perfect for my niece!

  8. My grandson would love this, he loves playing games with his sister so this would be ideal

  9. Aww thjis is fab would be great for Christmas

  10. Looks lovely my niece would love it

  11. My niece would adore this dolly :)

  12. Lovely prize and great review Baby Annabelle is so cute

  13. My 3 year old daughter would love this as she is always transfixed when she sees the Baby Annabell advert on TV.x

  14. This would be a brilliant present for my granddaughter xx

  15. my little niece would love this so much x

  16. What a lovely little doll, this would make a lovely Christmas present.

  17. My daughter would love this prize, she loves her babies and loves to look after them and take them out for walks

  18. What a great giveaway. I know that Leo would love this so fingers crossed!

  19. Would love to win this for my daughter, Tallulah!

  20. Such a great prize! My nieces love their dolls!

  21. This would be great to win for my niece for Christmas

  22. I would give this to my grand daughter who would love it very much

  23. Lovely prize, just in time for Christmas.

  24. this looks lovely- am sure it will be on H's xmas list :D

  25. JFMatcham Both my little girl and boy love dolls. My little boy wants anything his sister has and would actaully choose pink over so call boys toys

  26. This sounds great, my daughter wants a doll that poops but I've been put off by having some sort of mush going all mouldy inside the doll, pooping out solid plastic pellets solves that problem!

  27. My daughter would love this so much 😍

  28. Fantastic prize! Id love to win for my three girls who are due to become big sisters in january when our baby boy arrives, this would be the perfect gift from their baby brother.

  29. Aw such a cutie to keep the kids busy while Mummys busy dealing with tthe real baby! Love this

  30. We got a baby Annabell when I was pregnant. Now they both love babies! This looks so good.

  31. my ittle niece would love this so much lets hope
