Keeping your customers close, from a distance

Whilst the pandemic we have been living through slowly rights itself, businesses across the globe are forced to adapt their business to maintain the physical gap between themselves and their customers.

Until the time comes for businesses to literally open their doors again, then it is best to focus your energy into maintaining the custom that your business is still receiving. So, let’s evaluate the solutions which are going to help businesses to glide through these turbulent times.

Make your customer comfortable
Communicating with your customers online can sometimes feel like you’re speaking a different language. Does it feel like your audience doesn’t completely understand what you’re trying to tell them? This might because the jargon you’re using is not something they’re familiar with.

Remember that your consumer doesn’t work in your industry so if you’re using complex or industry-focussed words then you might encounter some communication difficulties. Using universal language is the best approach so that new and returning customers can read your website and do not feel intimidated to reach out and ask for further explanation once they have had their first browse of your website. 

Give your customer a reason to stay
The theory of business is that there is a product on the market which a percentage of consumers will need or want. Unfortunately, at this present time we always give our customer the full experience of our product in stores, so how are we going to show them how great our product is and make it accessible without a store?

Use your website to inform, trade and communicate to your consumers. You don’t even need a new website to start selling online, you can simply add a shopping cart feature and alternative payment method software (PayPal, credit/debit card) and you’re ready to start trading online - your consumers are going to love that you are so accessible!

Ensure you have the necessary security set up on your website as your website will be storing a lot of personal data.

Crucial consistency
If you’ve ever been left on read or had a phone call unreturned then you know how frustrating it is when you can’t get in touch with someone from whom you desperately require an answer to a question.

The impact of leaving your social media messages or company emails from potential clients unreturned can be detrimental to your business. So, let’s solve the issue of “not enough time” once and for all. The only answer here is to make time but not too much time. Responding to your clients doesn’t mean being logged in round the clock but scheduling specific hours of the day or days or the week where you respond to clients.

Scheduling your time to communicate with clients helps to keep the scales balanced. Alternatively, a digital marketing agency will manage your website and social media content for you. 

Keep talking
Getting handful of return customers online is an amazing feeling, but it cannot be relied upon as the source of all your successful trade. Whatever you do, don’t stop promoting your website verbally, physically and using your social media such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

On the other hand, if you have been thinking nothing else but ‘where will I find the time?’ since you started reading this, then the best option is to hire a digital marketing agency. If you’re new to the online world of marketing and sales or just want to improve your performance, then a helping hand from a team of industry experts is jut what you need.

Stockport web design companies have the software and knowledge to make your industry an online success not just now, but for years to come. Making a lasting impression is part of this success and with responsive web design and social media graphic design your business is going to attract a ton of new customers, meaning that your business and your website are always busy.

As the world slowly resolves itself, lets put our best business foot forward, into the online world and onto great success and customer satisfaction. 

*Collaborative Post