Care for your ears with these tips

Last year I had a terrible ear infection. I can honestly, hand on heart, say that the pain I experienced with this ear infection was worse than any of my three labours. It was utter agony. As such, it is an experience I am extremely keen to avoid again. The ear infection lasted for approximately one month and I had multiple doctors appointments and ENT hospital appointments before it was eventually sorted. It had began with a build up of ear wax which led to water becoming trapped in my ears. This was later exacerbated due to having them syringed at the doctors which trapped more water. Due to my fears of having another ear infection as bad as this one, I've was keen to research advice on maintaining the health of my ears. Here are a few tips to help you care for your ears.


Don't use cotton buds
Inserting anything into your ear can cause damage to its delicate structure. It can also introduce bacteria which can lead to infections.

Keep your ears dry
If you swim a lot, it's worth considering using swimming ear plugs to avoid water entering your ears and becoming trapped which can lead to a bacterial build up.

Avoid DIY treatments
If you feel like you have an excess of wax in your ear which is causing hearing loss, don't attempt to remove it yourself via the use of small objects or home remedy treatments. Always consult your healthcare provider or specialist ear care clinic such as Auris Ear Care who will advise on the best course of treatment for you.

Recognise the signs of a blocked ear

Not only can a blocked ear cause hearing loss but there are other symptoms that may indicate it is blocked including a feeling of fullness in your ear, tinnitus, earache, coughing as well as itching, odour and discharge. If you experience any of these, consult your healthcare provider. 

*Collaborative post