keep connected during lockdown

Life has certainly changed significantly in the last few months. At the start of the year, we simply couldn't have comprehended just how drastically our day to day lives would be altered. Simple activities like a trip to the shops, a coffee with a friend or walk in the park have all been put on hold for the time being. Staying connected (albeit virtually) with our friends and family has been vital, not only for keeping in touch and up to date with each others' lives, but also crucial for our wellbeing. Luckily we live in an age where keeping connected is easy and instantaneous. There are also many ways to virtually stay in touch during this time as will be explored below. 


Virtual meetings 
Hands up, who had even heard of Zoom before lockdown? Now it seems that it a part of everyday life. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that enables you to meet your friends / family or work colleagues virtually. You can see and interact with each member of the team. I've just had a virtual baby shower using Zoom! 

Video calling
Many phones will enable you to video call another person or you can download an app such as WhatsApp which also offers this feature. It's a great way to enhance a normal phone call if your missing seeing each other. 

Virtual activities
There are many options to engage in activities virtually. At the start of lockdown I took part in a few online pregnancy yoga sessions. For these I opted to turn the webcam off so whereas I could see the yoga instructor and hear her instructions, I was able to stretch and pose in the privacy of my own home which made the session even more relaxing. My husband regularly attends a virtual pub quiz which has been a great way for him to keep in touch with his friends. There are so many activities available from virtual escape rooms to virtual wine tasting all enabling you to keep in touch with loved ones whilst also having fun. 

Meet new people
We can't socialize out and about during this time but this doesn't mean we can't still meet new people. For those looking for companionship and even romance virtual speed dating is an ideal option. Dateinadash is a stylish speed dating and events service. It hosts speed dating events and singles parties to enable people to meet each other! Speed dating London is popular, fast-paced and fun. Dateinadash are currently offering virtual speed dating where you can meet others in the comfort of your own home!

Online gaming
If you fancy staying connected but also want to unwind, relax and lose yourself for an hour or two, online gaming with friends is an ideal option. You could consider online adventure games, board games, word games or quizzes to name just a few. The options are endless! 

wine, laptop, gaming

How have you been staying in touch with friends and family during lockdown? Have you tried any new activities? I'd love to hear more in the comments below. 

*Collaborative Post