What do I need to know about multi-car insurance?

Ever heard of multi-car insurance? If you have then you may guess by the name that it is a form of car insurance that is designed to cover a number of cars and their drivers; rather than just one single car and person. 

If you live in a house that has multiple cars then this type of policy is definitely one that you should consider taking out. It will cover a number of cars which makes things much easier to manage and it also means that you are likely to be eligible for a discount on the cover payments too.

Thinking about taking out a multi-car policy? Why not find out all the things that you need to know first.

How do these policies work? The first thing that you are likely to want to know is exactly how a multi-car policy works. Well, the truth is that it is actually pretty simple and straightforward. You take out a car insurance policy as you would for a single car; but the policy is able to cover 2 or more cars within it.

A multi-car policy works much the same as a single car policy; each person can choose their own level of cover within the policy (be that Third Party Fire and Theft or Fully Comprehensive). Along with this, each person can also build up their no claims bonus over time too; regardless of whether someone else within the policy needs to make a claim.

You can set up a multi-car policy with just one car, but you will need to tell your provider that you intend to add a number of other cars to the policy as soon as their current cover runs out.

Who can take out a multi-car policy?
So, who exactly is eligible for a multi-car policy? The answer is anyone who lives in the same property and that has a car that is registered to the property too. In the most part, a multi-car policy will only be taken out on 2 car. This could be a couple who each need their own car to get around.

That said, multi-car policies can be taken out by even more people than this and can be used to cover several cars. This is good news for families who have a number of cars within their home; such as those that have adult children. It is also suitable for properties that have multiple occupants such as student homes or simply those who live with their friends.

Why take this type of policy out?
There are a number of reasons why you might want to consider taking out a multi-car policy. The main reason for this is because it will save you all money. Having a number of cars within one policy will attract a discount (the amount will depend on the insurance provider of course) which is good news for you all.

Not only this, but if you are a couple who have a car each, or even more than that, then having a multi-car policy means that you will have your car insurance all in one place. You don't have to worry about managing two accounts or rearranging and renewing two policies. You can do it together in one place.

It really does make sense to take out a multi-car policy so why not find one that meets with your needs and save yourself time and money in the long and the short-term?