If you want to live cleaner and greener but don’t know where to start, fear not — here are some simple tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Natural and Organic Products
Why not begin by looking at the type of products that you buy? It’s easy to fall into the rhythm of purchasing the same old products over and over, but by adding more natural and organic products to your shopping list, you’ll be helping the environment. Whether it’s food, drink or cosmetics, these items are kinder to the environment and your body too. Organic product provider Kijani Living stocks a wide range of eco-friendly products to replace your current household favourites, so get browsing.

Canvas Bags
It’s not just about what you buy, but how you carry what you buy. In 2015, the government introduced the 5p bag charge in a bid to reduce the number of plastic bags being used. The introduction of this law has seen an 80% reduction in the number of bags used in England. This is all well and good, but plastic is not a particularly environmentally friendly material because it can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. So switch to a canvas bag — they’re far more eco-friendly and ethical receptacles for carrying your worldly goods in.
Walk, don’t drive
It’s easy to become overly reliant on driving — after all, it’s such a convenient way to get around. But if more people walk, it means less cars on the road and therefore less pollution, so why not try incorporating more walking into your life? Walking might take more time but it’s free and fun once you get used to it. It also has a number of health benefits — for example, health experts Bupa state that it can reduce your risk of diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
With an estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic currently occupying our oceans, swapping plastic products for more environmentally friendly materials is a great way for us to reduce our plastic pollution. Some of these swaps are so simple that you'll wonder why you haven't already made the change. For example, you could consider changing your plastic toothbrush to a bamboo toothbrush - bamboo toothbrushes are not only sustainably sourced but are also 100% biodegradable. You could also swap single-use plastic cups for a reusable bamboo coffee cup. Reusing your coffee cup can save up to 150 plastic cups going to landfill each year.
Eat less meat
Finally, perhaps the most obvious way to live a healthier lifestyle – improve your diet. One way you can do this is by reducing your meat consumption. No-one’s suggesting that you stop eating meat completely, but cutting down on it can boost your wellbeing. Diet gurus Healthy Food Guide list several benefits of eating less meat — including aiding weight loss, lowering your risk of cholesterol and reducing your risk of cancer. And on those days where you’re abstaining, try fish like wild salmon instead — it’s a recognised superfood with bags of physical and mental health benefits.

Finally, perhaps the most obvious way to live a healthier lifestyle – improve your diet. One way you can do this is by reducing your meat consumption. No-one’s suggesting that you stop eating meat completely, but cutting down on it can boost your wellbeing. Diet gurus Healthy Food Guide list several benefits of eating less meat — including aiding weight loss, lowering your risk of cholesterol and reducing your risk of cancer. And on those days where you’re abstaining, try fish like wild salmon instead — it’s a recognised superfood with bags of physical and mental health benefits.

As you can see, living a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle isn’t as tough as you might have imagined. With a few tweaks to your purchasing decisions and daily diet, you can reap health benefits whilst also helping to sustain the environment.
Do you have any alternative healthy living tips? Share them in the comments section.
Do you have any alternative healthy living tips? Share them in the comments section.
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