Baking With Your Kids Throughout The Year

With so many occasions throughout the year there’s always an excuse to get your kids in the kitchen with you whipping up some delicious treats, so here’s just a few to get you started.

Easter - Sunday, 21 April 2019

Chocolate Easter egg nest cakes

What You Need

~225g plain chocolate, broken into pieces
~2 tbsp golden syrup
~50g butter
~75g cornflakes
~36 mini chocolate eggs
~12 paper cases

What You Do
~Put the 12 paper cases in/on a fairy cake tin
~Put the chocolate, golden syrup and butter in a bowl and melt the ingredients together over a pan of gently simmering water, (don’t let the base of the container touch the water). Stir the mixture until it’s smooth.
~Remove the bowl from the heat and gently add in the cornflakes until they are all coated in the chocolate mix.
_~Divide the cornflake mixture between the paper cases and place three chocolate eggs into the center of each nest — chill in the fridge for 1 hour, or until they’re completely set.

Pancake Day - Shrove Tuesday takes place in March, 47 days before Easter Sunday


What You Need

~1 cup self-raising flour (sifted)
~1 tbs sugar
~1 egg (lightly beaten)
~3/4 cup milk
~50 g butter (melted)

What You Do

~Whisk flour and sugar in a bowl.
~Beat in the egg and then add in the milk a little at a time until batter is smooth and lump-free.
~In a hot pan over medium heat, brush butter over the cooking surface then grab a large spoon and put a scoop of mixture into the pan.
~When large bubbles form on the surface, flip the pancake over and cook until lightly golden on the other side.

Halloween - 31 October 2019

Dracula Dentures

What You Need
~300g Ready to bake chocolate chip cookie dough
~1 x tub Vanilla Icing
~red food coloring
~mini marshmallows
~slivered almonds

What You Do
~Preheat oven to 180C.
~Line two large baking sheets with baking paper.
~Roll the cookie dough out into 12 one, and a half inch sized balls and place on the baking sheets.
~Bake until golden - about 12 minutes.
~Let the cookie cool completely then cut each cookie in half.
~Add some drops of red food coloring into the vanilla icing and stir until smooth. Spread a thin layer of red icing onto each cookie half.
~Place the mini marshmallows around the round edges of the cookie halves. Place the other halves of the cookies on top, and then place a slivered almond on each side to create fangs.

*Collaborative post