Home Maintenance Tips For Families

Perhaps you are starting to think about having a family or are well in the throws of embracing life with little children, but either way, it won’t come as a surprise when I say that family life can put a strain on the interior decor of your home. Introducing a baby and subsequently a mischievous toddler into your home will  ultimately add a huge amount of wear and tear on your home! It's a good job they are cute! Here are a few ways you can help your home survive the invasion of small children!!

Stain resistant paint 
When you have little ones you’ll often find hand prints from sticky hands decorating your nice clean walls! With a stain resistant paint, your walls will be easier to clean and the paint will also repel the stains meaning you can go a lot longer before having to redecorate.

Skirting Boards
One advantage of having Skirting boards in your home is that they can serve to protect your walls from bumps and knocks, from maneuvering the pram, vacuuming the floors and from ride on toys and walkers for example.

Wood flooring 
Wood flooring is much easier to clean then carpets and requires just a simple brush and wipe to remove dirt with ease. If you, like we do, have a carpet in your dining room, you’ll be only too familiar with how hard it can be to keep your carpet clean and stain-free from all those messy meal times! Whereas you may have to replace your carpet after a certain amount of time as it gets older, wooden floors can last a lot longer and are easy to repair if needed.

Repurposing Rooms
Having a dedicated play room will help to contain the wear and tear that comes from playtime to a specific area of the house. If you have the room, adding furniture in there means that this can become a central place for the family to gather during the daytime.

So there you have it, just a few ways you can help care and protect your home when you have small children. But remember, a home is also to be lived in, so don't get too caught up in having a spotless house. Embrace these years and enjoy making happy family memories, sticky handprints, paint smears, food stains and all. They're only little once :) 

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