The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a delightful little story about a caterpillar that eats and eats until he turns into a very beautiful butterfly. We were very kindly gifted a copy of the book as well as a gardening kit courtesy of GBC Group so that we could grow some vegetables fit for feeding the even the hungriest of caterpillars!

My boys absolutely loved planting the seeds and they were beyond excited to see the first little shoots appear!
Just look at how big our tomato plant has got!
Gardening with little ones has many benefits, enabling them to get close to nature, to enjoy the fresh air and to understand the natural life cycle of plants. There is something truly wonderful about growing, harvesting and eating your own fruit and vegetables and this encourages them to enjoy a wider and healthier selection of foods!

If you would like to start growing your own fruit and vegetables with your children, here are a few little tips to help...
You don't need a big garden to grow vegetables, you can use pots and containers.
Let children choose some of the vegetables that they will grow. From choosing the first packets of seeds to finally eating the produce, your little one will love their new found gardening skills!
Choose some vegetables that are quick and easy to grow like radishes and lettuces. They won't have to wait too long to see their vegetables!
Your little one will love getting hands-on with gardening, from sprinkling the seeds, scooping up handfuls of compost, watering them and finally digging up and selecting their vegetables to eat that day!
So what will you grow during National Gardening week?!
*We were kindly gifted a box of gardening accessories and kit :)
I loved this book as a little girl and my daughter loves it to. She is also an outdoors baby, loves the forrest and getting messy. Great post x #itsok