Does my Child Need a Tutor?

We all want our children to have the best possible education, achieve good grades and gain all the essential life skills required to succeed in the future. But what if you begin to notice that their good grades are dropping or that your child has become worried about their lessons? Is it time to consider the services of a professional private tutor to get them back on track?


There are a number of benefits in using a private tutor, from improving performance in a particular subject to developing learning skills and boosting self-confidence. To help you decide if it is the right time to enlist the help of a tutor for your child, Mount House School in Hertfordshire, have kindly outlined some of the possible signs to look out for…

Are their grades dropping?
If you have noticed a significant change in your child’s grades or they are falling behind their expected learning level, then this is a good indicator that they require additional help.

Are they emotional or frustrated?
Does your child become resistant when it is time to do their homework or show signs of anxiety or frustration before school? This can be really upsetting for families and should be talked through. If they are struggling with their school work then together you can look into tutoring options.

Are they failing to meet deadlines?
If your child is failing to complete their coursework on time or taking longer than usual to complete homework, then tutoring could help them to get back on track and support them with better time management strategies.

Are they showing a lack of effort?
Should your child’s confidence in a particular subject start to diminish, you may notice a lack of effort in their work. By providing extra help in this area, using a tutor, you can help to keep their interest and stay motivated.

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