To My School Bully- Thank You

Yesterday a friend asked me if I’d considered doing vlogging (for those unfamiliar with the term, this is a video blog) and my response? Well, yes, I’d just love to start this but there’s always been something that’s stopped me; the thought of a high school bully discovering it and somehow making her presence known again.  This is the reason I’ve kept a relative anonymity on the blog. I’ve always believed that she is also the reason I became more introverted as I got older and the reason I hate returning to my home town and as an adult, decided to live elsewhere. My friend quite rightly pointed out that what has happened is history and that this person from my past shouldn’t control what I do in my future. It seems so simple but it’s so true. It’s time for me to stand up, dust myself off and to stop blaming her. Yes she massively impacted my teenage years but I’ll be damned if she impacts the rest of my life. So this is what I would like to say to her…

Thank you. You may have felt like you won the war when we were teenagers but you’ve made me stronger than you ever can have anticipated. Whilst you were the reason I decided to stay away from my home town, you pushed me directly into the path of some wonderful friends I’d have not met otherwise. You steered me in the direction of my business partner, and together we started our company and I was able to fulfil a creative dream. You’re the reason I am my own boss and the reason that I can spot a bully a mile off. And because of how you made me feel, I’ll make damn sure that my boys never tolerate anyone treating them with such utter contempt and that they always treat everyone with kindness. My boys will no longer see me cowering from decisions, giving into self-doubt and the fear of judgement; I’m going to teach them to how to shine.
So thank you. I’m quite sure that’s not the impact you were hoping for but you see, you never know how strong you can be until someone tries to knock you down.

Now excuse me, you’re in my way. 



  1. I love this - especially the last line! Go for it with the vlogging! You'll be fab and I'll definitely tune in and support you xxx #HoneyBeeLinky

  2. Get Vlogging! You'll be great at it!

  3. Thank you! I need to just go for it don't I? X

  4. Great post! And I think surely bu saying this you know that you need to take the leap into vlogging as it's what you want to do, and you're not going to let this person hold you back anymore! go you! Cx

  5. My first thought is, You go girl. It's crazy how we can let someone's words impact us SO much. When in reality, who gives a ****? There will always be people who are jealous, insecure or just plain mean and want to put others down. It's up to you how you handle it, and this is a great start. Don't give her the time of day, don't give her another thought. Stay strong! #twinklytuesday

  6. Hi, well done you for deciding not to let that bully dictate your life now. It is a shame you had to suffer at the hands of such a low life, but I admire your attitude. I hope the bully has learned the error of their ways and one day, if ever you cross paths, apologises and acknowledges the pain they caused you back then. Not that it will change anything now.

    Thank you for sharing your story and for linking up with the #MMBC.


  7. How awful they made you feel like that but how brilliant that you have moved forward and had so many successes. Onwards and upwards x

  8. It's amazing how negative influences can stick for so long isn't it? Get the camera out an start vlogging! I'll happily tune in and support you! Thank you for linking up with the #HoneybeeLinky lovely xxx

  9. Please vlog, I'd totally watch! I can't imagine how awful it must have been for you growing up to not want to return or see her. I was often an easy target because I didn't stand up for myself, so ended up being portrayed as someone I'm not at my school. It was pretty intense towards the end and I'm sure back in my hometown people still have a very wrong idea of me. But it's certainly made me stronger and it sounds like your experience has too! #bigpinklink

    1. I'm sorry to hear you had that treatment in school. I'm glad you've found the strength to put them behind you x x x

  10. Yes!! I love this and that last line is just perfect. Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink x

  11. I love this post. I had a bully in school too and I think it's given me the strength to remove myself from situations that I know are unhealthy for me. Well done on doing the same and absolutely go for the vlogging! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    1. I'm so sorry to hear you had this experience in school but I'm so glad you've found strength from it lovely x x

  12. Great post. Definitely vlog - you just have to! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  13. Well done for taking the courage to write this. I hope that one day it finds it way to them and good luck with the vlogging you should definitely do it. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove
